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                                      Men have a mean life expectancy of nearly six years less than women, stated  CDPH Director Dr.Mark Horton. By highlighting the importance of  physical fitness, instruction and disease prevention, we might help men live longer, much healthy lives. A diet, among other elements, plays an integral role. Below, you will find about how to keep your man healthy, the top 10 health advice. Don't let him chew or smoke tobacco and avoid secondhand smoke exposure. Cancer of the lung is the main cause of cancer deaths because of cigarette smoking, mainly among men. Ensures he eats a healthful diet that rich in veggies, fruits, whole grains, fiber and fish. 

                                    Have him cut back on foods high in sodium and fat.  A diet can assist in preventing cancer of the   correctional and prostate cancer, the two of they are chief causes of death among men. Have him check his-cholesterol and blood pressure level. If they're too high, have him follow his physician’s advice. Heart problems is a leading men threat to health. Be sure he includes physical exercise in his everyday routine this can help to manage and reduce stress, which might lead to heart attacks and strokes. Be sure he maintains a healthful weight losing excess pounds can assist in preventing Type diabetes mellifluous, high blood pressure level, heart attacks and strokes. 

                             Have him it if he drinks alcohol. Too much alcohol can increase because other health issues and blood pressure level. Have him preserve mental fitness. He can practice exercises that are mental, reading and such as puzzles, and take action to learn new things. These activities have demonstrated to prevent Alzheimer disease. Follow the speed limit, have him drive and wear his seat belt the leading cause of accidents among men is motorized vehicle crashes. Have him limit his sunlight exposure. He wants to use sunscreen and put on a hat and sleeves when his playing or working outdoors. The vast majority of individuals diagnosed with melanoma, the leading reason for death from skin cancer, are white men over age 50, and 5 percent of all cancers in guys are melanomas. 

                             Have him on a regular basis visit his doctor. Men seek healthcare at a rate much lower than women. Having regular medical screenings is an essential step to maintaining good health. While his health is greatly in his own hands, you will find several.

TOP 10 HEALTH TIPS. TOP 10 HEALTH TIPS. Reviewed by Life With Me on 21 February Rating: 5


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